Personal communion


I have been a true Christian for about 4 or 5 years now. I didn’t watch the news, I didn’t search the web to look for direction, others opinions or thoughts. In all things that had pertained to my walk as a Christian, my walk with God, it was purely him and I. I actually didn’t even study the word at first.

I knew things that others had told me as a child and I knew about small stuff in the bible, but I didn’t know anything of End times, the functions of the spirit, and so forth. All I knew is God loved me and he sent his son to die on the cross for me and the world. I knew I had to ask God into my heart. I knew the basics. After becoming a true Christian I learned as God had taught me. He and I would spend so much time together. He would drop truth in my heart through the Holy Spirit ministering to me and through dreams and visions. After about a year of my walk with God, I started to pick up the bible and read things here and there. Much of what I read confirmed what the Holy Spirit had been teaching me. It was truly a beautiful time. I was completely full. I didn’t have to work on my relationship with God, it’s as if it just came naturally. All the fruits of the spirit were present in me, Gods gifts were present in me.   It wasn’t something I had to ask for or work at it was just there. All this carried on until about a year ago, maybe a little longer. Time slips by so fast anymore…

It all started with the Alien Demonic dream. It was so farfetched in my mind that I didn’t know what to make of it. This dream went against much of what I believed. When I had this dream I went to God for his direction. He gave me insight and he gave me a word. But I still didn’t have the understanding of all the other stuff in this dream. So I began to look on the web and read books. I wanted to see if there were other Christians out there that had a similar dream, I wanted to see if there were Christian teachings on Alien Demons, I wanted to study what the one eye meant, the star, the colors, the swords. I didn’t stop there either. I began to study other “Christian” topics such as the end times (this category has so many different topics). I learned that there were current prophets and teachers and began listening to many different people. I began to fill up on all types of Christian stuff. I still gave my time to God in the mornings. I still gave him time in the evening’s right before bed. I also gave him time during the day by studying and reading, gaining “Christian knowledge”. So the majority of my day was still dedicated to God. It seemed the more head knowledge I had, the more I wanted.

During this period I became more reliant on my own understanding and less reliant on Gods teaching through the Holy Spirit. Less reliant on God in general. I did not turn away from him, but I wasn’t dependent on him as I once was. God didn’t turn away from me either. He was constant on his warnings, I was just too blind to see. I continued to hear the Holy Spirit but not as frequent. The fruits of the spirit were still there but not as strong. The gifts that God has given me are still there but put on hold. I believe it was put on hold by myself by limiting God in my life. I was striving to be a Christian. It became difficult to be a Christian. The naturality was gone, the simplicity was gone. The load has become heavy…

During this time God spoke to me. God said, “Do not seek confirmation from others. Few are called to speak for me. Few know my heart. Few know my plans. Seek me, seek the Holy Spirit for confirmation. I am using you for great plans. When you hear me, speak it forth. No matter if it goes against the mainstream. For you hear me clearly. Stop doubting, it is time.” I am not professing to be an appointed Prophet. Not at all! As Gods true children we ALL have the ability to hear God. It tells us in the word that God will send us the Holy Spirit through Jesus. The Holy Spirit is, a comforter, a teacher, and he convicts. The Holy Spirit lives in us and is upon us, he enables us. This also tells us we can hear him. If we can hear him then we have no need to seek all these voices, these LYING tongues. YOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD DIRECTLY!

I was very humbled by this. I was very grateful for this. But I was also very afraid and doubtful. Not doubtful in God but myself. After hearing this, little by little I stopped doing the listening to others. Little by little I stopped studying worldly, Christian teachings.  I became paralyzed in sorts. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what was correct and what was not. I was so confused and had no one to lean on for support to get back. To help me clear my thinking. I knew something was wrong but wasn’t sure what it was or how to get back on track.

Recently I have gained a dear brother in Christ. The last four or five months he has really helped me. He has prayed for me and my family. He allowed me to voice my questions and concerns with no feel of judgment and he also allowed me to find my way with guidance. I believe it was a divine appointment to help guide me back.

I had not realized this was a lesson or correction until early this morning…It all hit me like a ton of blocks. A friend of mine might call it a down load : ).

I have now become full in my head, but am lacking in my heart. The heart is where God operates.

Revelations 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with me.

We are to commune with him daily, hourly, secondly. Especially in these deceptive and dark times! Pray without seizing, praise with a humble heart. Seeking HIM in all matters and in all things. I am not to be taught by the world but by his word and spirit alone.

I am not saying that we are not to be aware of what is going on in the world. I am not saying that we are not to study. I am simply saying that we must be in constant communion with God first. Him being our first priority, our first and last go too.

As I was speaking to God yesterday, as I was thanking him and asking for forgiveness. He told me that I am to share this, because ‘it’s not only to teach you, but to open the eyes of others.” He told me that “there is more to share”….So this is the “more” he wants me to share.

I had not only learned to keep constant communion with God. I have also learned that there are many false prophets, teachers, and healers. They are being led by a demonic spirit. In my next post I will be exposing some of these lying tongues that the Holy Spirit warned me about. I will back it up with scripture, links, and a dream.

The reason why I am going to expose the false teaching, is first, because God told me too. Second because these false teachings and prophetic voices were a stumbling block for me and has been for millions of other people. I wonder if this could be the great delusion or falling away spoken about in the bible. Even the Elect might be deceived….

For those of you who would like to know Gods truth, I encourage you to prepare for the next post. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 and Mathew 24:4-28. Ask God to speak his truth to your heart and meditate on these scriptures.