In this world we feel as if we are never enough.  Never pretty enough, never strong enough, never loved enough, never cared for enough, never smart enough, we don’t have enough stuff, we need the latest and greatest…But through Jesus Christ we are enough.  We are loved enough, we are cared for enough, we are smart enough, we are strong enough, we don’t need all the “stuff”.  I thank God that he loves me so much just as I am.  I don’t have to carry on an act anymore since finding God.  I have found that I don’t need or even want the things I use to think I wanted or needed.  I have such a security in being Gods child!  A security I have never had in the world.  Imagine all the pressure that was taken from me when I got that revelation…GOD LOVES ME JUST AS I AM.  I cant earn my way to heaven or in Gods good graces, so I don’t have that pressure to perform for him either.

About a month ago, a dear brother finally felt God’s great love envelope him.  He described to me how it felt.  This is what he said, “I felt a love that I had never felt before, I felt peace, security, joy, and hope.  I have never known God really loved me like that.”

We can know that God loves us but until Gods love envelopes you, you will not truly KNOW his love.  Gods love is not something that can be taught.  We were taught to love incorrectly in the world so the love that we know is not the correct love.  Its not the love that God has.  Until someone experiences God’s love, our minds can not comprehend this love.  True love…

Lord God I pray that who ever reads this receives a burning desire to feel your true love for them.  Lord God that your love would wrap around them and engulf them.  Lord God that you would teach them YOUR true love.  I thank you Lord God that you love each person in the world.  That you love them just as they are.  Thank you Lord God, you are good!